auditory nerve damage causes

Sensorineural deafness: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.
Hearing loss - auditory neuropathy | Better Health Channel.
Causes of Permanent Hearing Loss - Buzzle.
auditory nerve damage causes
Hearing Loss Information - Back to Home Page.
New implant addresses hearing loss caused by inner-ear damage.
Hearing Problems After Treatment - Children's Oncology Group.
Ototoxicity is damage to the ear (oto-), specifically the cochlea or auditory nerve and. At high doses, aspirin and other salicylates may also cause high-pitch tinnitus. Within the inner ear, it is the snail shaped shell that contains several nerve.
Mar 25, 2013. These impulses travel via the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as, say, words, music or an approaching vehicle. Damage.
Jan 16, 2013. Sensorineural - Sensorineural hearing loss may occur as a result of damage caused to the inner ear or the auditory nerves that lead to the.
. damage to the auditory nerve; Ménière's disease, which causes dizziness. can also cause tinnitus, but it's not thought to cause permanent damage; Acoustic.
Types of Hearing Loss | Center for Hearing and Speech.
Hearing Loss - Sound Therapy Perth, Western Australia.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: occurs when there is damage to the vestibulocochlear (auditory) nerve. This type of hearing loss may be caused by head injury.
Jul 1, 2005. Whatever the cause, deafness cuts us off from one of the key ways most of us. Sometimes sudden deafness originates in damage to the nerves that. the sound energy in a way that triggers signals in the auditory nerve.
Acoustic trauma (injury caused by loud noise) can damage hair cells.. mumps or meningitis can lead to loss of hair cells or other damage to the auditory nerve.
Feb 12, 2009. such as the blast of a firecracker, too much of a neurotransmitter is released, damaging these auditory nerve cells and causing hearing loss.