wow 10er raid setup

Perfect / Ideal Raid 10 Comp. - TankSpot.
. current 10 man content especially is what is the right set up for a 10 man. with only 2 healers per fight is kinda screwing with the raid setup.
******This post is mainly concerning 10 man raiding, as much as I love 25 ... Why? because the 10m can gain a better setup and more buffs.
He has 4.2 mil health (10 man); He will target a random raid member and cast. or any setup, I suggest that you have your raid stand on your factions side of the.
Raid Setup Builder (RSB) is an effective software to assist you in playing World of Warcraft. Players (especially raid leaders in guilds) who would like to build up.
10. edit: Proof of concept video in heroic scholo with 0 healers: Here's .. Anyway, I've setup the raid, if you are interested please sign up here:.
While the mechanic is the same on both 10 and 25man settings it is much. 10 man raids are generally less forgiving of individual mistakes.
Best 10 man raid setup for heroic progression - MMO-Champion.
[A] Shinasu 10 man raiding twice a week - Forums - World of.
starting progression HM DS with the guild for the first time this week. Giving serious attempts on 3 certain fights (the easier ones) which is HM's.
Check our progress at: What we offer info: 10 man raiding guild formerly on Twilight's.
The 10-man version. Raid composition – three of the wings can be completed with 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 6 DPS, although a.
Naxxramas - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft.
*Make sure you post the raid size you made a kill in 10 or 25. .. Use this Thanks to Felhorn of Esoteric for getting this all set up in tier 11

Hi there, just a quick post to tell you all that Dwarf shortage are recruiting for our 10 mans raids. Who are dwarf shortage? We are a new raiding.
Naxxramas - Zone - World of Warcraft - Wowhead.
wow 10er raid setup
Mogu'shan Vaults Raid Guides for World of Warcraft: strategies.Raiding and Raid Buffs (10 man) - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
wow 10er raid setup
Raid and Guild Leadership - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
Trial of the Crusader - Zone - World of Warcraft - Wowhead.